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About Us


Henry and Becky Shultz of Centralia, Missouri own and operate Prairie Lane Farm. We both began raising sheep in 4-H. After we got married we raised registered Corriedales and Suffolks.


We soon dispersed the Suffolks and began a Dorset flock. Our daughters, Sarah and Rachel, grew up showing Corriedales and Dorsets at junior shows across the country. They enjoyed showing and made friends all over the country. This is why we cater to 4-H and FFA members. 


In 2008, we added the Katahdins. Our foundation bloodlines include rams and ewes from Dosch, Pine Meadows, Mountain View and Lincoln University. It's been fun  watching the breed grow and develop.


We are part of the NSIP program. Henry is a past-president of the Katahdin Hair Sheep International and we are still active on several committees.


We offer lambs for sale off the farm and at several sales throughout the Midwest.

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