About Us
Located in Centralia, Missouri, Prairie Lane Farm began raising Katahdins in 2008. We pride ourselves in raising show ring quality sheep that are functional and perform in a commercial flock.
Sixty and 120 day weights are taken on every lamb. Ask about our NSIP data.
Proven Winners

Upcoming Sales
​June 3- Prairie Lane Farm Online Sale
Join us June 3 for our online sale. Our goal is to raise sheep that are structurally sound and functional, with great maternal characteristics that have proven production records.
Yes, we raise show sheep but these are sheep with great production qualities. NSIP information will be available with each of our sale consignments. Watch our Facebook page for more information.

Midwest Stud Ram Sale June 12-15 - Sedalia, Mo
At this time, we plan to enter sheep in the Midwest Stud Ram Sale. The Katahdin show is on Wednesday, June 12 and the sale on Friday, June 14. If you can't make it in-person, online bidding is available.

We plan to have a few entries at the Expo. We'll post photos and information closer to the event.